Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Sorry for the lag between posts, shit got real.

I am in the dreaded finals period of law school.  Classes ended 2 weeks ago, and law students were given "dead days" to study for final exams.  

The last part of the semester was busier but easier than before.  I know how to do research.  I have an overall study schedule down. I have learned the patterns of the professors: what sort of questions they ask, how they like their essays, and what to expect on their exams.  

I'm not sure if I posted since midterms, but here's how I did:
-Torts (civil law, which I consider my strongest subject) - 23/25
-Criminal Law (hot mess) - 12/15 (mad at myself, oh the rage)
-LARW (technically not a midterm, but rather a memo that counted for 25% of my grade) - B+, which was graded on a low curve, so it was apparently one of the higher grades in the class, and
-Leg Reg - 18/20 (hooray! except this counts for about .05% of our grade)

Overall, I am in a good place.  I really want to make Law Review (a board that writes the publications by the law school, reserved for the top 10% of the class) so I am really working my tail off here.

Also, before finals started, I handed in a memo in LARW that counts for 50% of my grade.  It was over the Lindbergh Act, and it was 4500 words in length.  I don't think I will get my grade back until January so...fingers crossed!

Back to finals.  I took my first one on Monday (2 days ago) in torts.  It's against the honor code to discuss the specific items on the exam, but I think I did really well.  There was one question I didn't know at all, but that's not bad considering there were 20 multiple choice, 4 short answers, and one long ass essay.  This final is worth 80% of our grade and, again, I won't know how I did until January.  I want that grade now. 

Next week I have my Criminal Law final and my Leg Reg final.  Leg Reg is really nothing to worry about in my book, I understand the material and I know exactly what the professor wants.  Criminal Law on the other hand...

Since I am terrified of this test, I have placed myself on a strict study regimen. I have (3) supplements (textbooks that are not required for the course but which present the material in a way that can assist us in learning it).  Each day, I'm reading (100) pages in each one.  Along with that, I am working on transcribing all of my notes from the semester.  Also, I am writing one past essay each day, and fitting in some multiple choice questions here and there.  When I start to lose my sanity, I facebook, eat, smoke hookah, or workout (pretty much in that order, which is why I've gained about 10 pounds since starting law school).  What I am trying to say here school is dead freaking serious.  There isn't time for old friends (who I miss a lot!), I haven't been to parties, I've missed birthdays, and having a booze and movies day is out of the question. I stated in an earlier post that I did have time, but when the finals era is upon us, hanging out is a joke.  If I do go out, I feel guilty for not studying, which is why I usually have my Kindle (loaded with supplements) in my purse.  Thugggg lifeeeee.

Besides that, I have some good news. I will start with a sad story about my internship experience.  I applied for an internship with the Dallas County DA's office, and the interviews went really well. My rep told me that as soon as my background check came through, I would be set to start.  The background check came through...and good news, I had a warrant.  I haven't posted about my run in with the law (that's right, I'm a hardened criminal y'all!!  just kidding, but I did have a minor issue over the summer), but basically I had a court date that my lawyer had to attend and I did not. Due to a clerk error, my lawyer never showed up, and they placed a warrant out for failure to appear.  Needless to say, that was a fun phone call to receive.  Even though I got it cleared up, I couldn't go down that route.  I had more or less given up because I was so upset about the whole experience, when an email sent from God himself came though, offering a winter internship with the EEOC based on the American Disability Act.  Ok, it wasn't actually from God, he prefers the angels in a cave method of communication.  I replied to the email and a few days later, BAM! I have an internship with the EEOC for the winter going over victim's interviews.  Pretty exciting stuff! I will get pro bono hours, and I got lots of likes on Facebook when I posted about it, which at the end of the day, is all that really matters.

They caught me.

Anyway, I wish I could write for days but I've got studying to do (shocker!). Can't wait to post the results!!!

1 comment:

  1. And that's why I haven't asked you out, yet! I already know you're too busy talking to the


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