Wednesday, October 10, 2012


It's days like today that give me just the confidence I need to plow forward!  The last few weeks, I have felt a little uneasy about my performance and my ability to be (somewhet) near the top of my class.  Thoughts like this are lethal, especially during midterm season!  Today turned things around, for the moment at least.

Last night, I just couldn't focus.  I heard a rumor that some of the students have already started popping Aderol in order to focus, so I don't feel like my mood is too far from normal.  Anyway, I sat down to read and the evils of Facebook and YouTube starting their nightly calling...I caved in. I wasted so much time doing nothing, all the while thinking about how much productivity was slipping away.  I finally started to focus around 10, and I got through reading about half a chapter for my Criminal Law class...and it took me nearly two hours.  Usually, I plow through an entire chapter in about an hour to an hour and a half (if I have to re-read cases), and I take notes during that time as well.  Needless to say, something was off.  Thankfully, Netflix had some sort of error that I couldn't resolve, so The Walking Dead would have to wait until some other time. I dozed off with every intention to wake up at 6 to finish studying with a well-rested mind.

As I stumbled out of bed at 8:30, I was pissed at myself and the world.  Why was I so tired?  Why is Facebook so damn addicting?  Why are there so many cat pictures to look at online?  It's just not fair.

I strolled into Crim Law with just enough time to sit down and start passing out quizzes (on the day that seats were assigned, I was late and took the seat closest to the professor's podium, so I have the task of passing things out).  When it was quiz time, we had a very tricky question about a topic we had covered a week prior.  Usually, the professor quizzes us on concepts from the previous class, so I had wipe the dust of that part of my mind. Luckily, I selected my answer and was confident with it.  When the professor started going over it...over half the class missed it - but not this gal! I used the same reasoning the professor did and I knew the words before they left her mouth.  It was an excellent feeling, especially since I have been flailing the last few weeks when it comes to these damn quizzes.  As the class progressed, discussion clogged up our progress and guess where we stopped?  You got it, right where I quit reading! Excellent!!  I think the biggest horror I could ever encounter would be getting called on in class to discuss something I hadn't read.  Oh, the shame. Generally, I always read for class and I come with a pretty good understanding of what's going don't get the wrong idea friends.  I'm allowed to have an off day damnit.

After class, I met up with an old coworker who, coincedentally, now works at a hotel that is literally next door to our law school.  It was nice to catch up and the friends that I usually eat with were busy anyway.  Score!

I was expecting an even bigger disaster during my second class, Legislation and Regulation.  I hadn't even cracked the book nor printed out the worksheet we were scheduled to discuss.  This professor has gotten into the habit of calling on people at random since she realized some people weren't prepared for class. I'm not good at concealing nervousness (since I rarely feel that strange emotion) so I just knew this was the moment my nightmares would come to fruition.  Instead of starting immediately, we were given our midterms.  I opened it up...and I received 18/20!!! I had done well in my preparation for this midterm and I knew the grading style so I was confident that I would get a good score.  I did make a couple of mistakes, but unlike some other students, I fully understood them and believed they were justified.  I honestly felt bad for some, because they didn't get the tip of her grading style, so they did an excellent job, but it wasn't exactly what she was looking for so they were counted off.  Things like that happen, I suppose, but I know the feeling of being disappointed when you thought you did well. Luckily for all of us, the midterm is not heavily graded!  The class ended up being completely centered on the midterm so...I went 2/2!  Completely unprepared and it didn't negatively effect me!  This isn't something I should be admitting, and I will definitely never do it again because the knots in my stomach bothered me all day, but it was a very unexpected break. 

In addition to all of these wonderful things, 2 students made comments to me today that made me feel wonderful.  They basically said that I was always on top of things and that I had never said something in class that made me look bad.  Someone even said I was "fearless"! Awesome!  In law school, some talk more than others, but everyone shares the fear of being told they are wrong by a professor, especially in front of peers. 

With these good feelings buzzing, I went to visit two of my professors. I hadn't been to their offices before, and I thought a personal introduction was in order.  I discussed my midterm with my Leg Reg professor and my future career plans with my Torts professor.  I don't know if those sorts of things get on professor's nerves, but it's not something I do all the time so I'm not too worried at this point.  After leaving campus, I came home and drafted my ENTIRE memo that's due next week.  Last time we had a memo due, I wrote the entire thing in one six-hour sitting.  The page was covered in red, but I still received an "above-average" grade.  I don't think I will be so lucky if I try the same thing twice, but the motivation has definitely been lacking.  A quick blog post and I'm off to study for the midterm from hell...aka Criminal  Law.

For those of you who are accustomed to my sarcasm and perhaps frightened by this positive vibe, don't worry.  It will be back before we know it.  Happy studying!

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